Telemetry unit TMC102

The TETRA telemetry unit TMC102 CallOut is applied for automation of technical processes. The unit itself has four outputs (open drain), four inputs and an internal TOM100 TETRA module. Immediately after start of the TMC102 CallOut, you will have complete control of the inputs and outputs.

Each output can be activated/deactivated separately via SDS (Short Data Messages). In addition a pulse between 1 upto 600 seconds can be released for each output by means of an appropriate command. The TMC102 CallOut can be configured in such a way that they send an individual SDS text or CallOut in case of change of state of one of the inputs from „on“ to „off“ or vice versa. A CallOut will immediately be indicated visually and audibly as alerting in the display of the receiving radio.

For configuration the TMC102 CallOut can be connected to the PC per programming cable.


Sven Behrmann
Sven Behrmann
Phone +49 (0) 5031 9548 272
Fax +49 (0) 5031 9548 100